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Sound is a powerful form of brain stimulation that humans have used for centuries to improve their health and well-being.
Sound therapy is the practice of using the full spectrum of sound waves, tactile and auditory, to improve health.
Sound therapy has been proven to*:
- Reduce stress
- Relieve anxiety
- Manage pain
- Reduce inflammation
- Increase range of motion
- Improve joint motion
- Stimulate blood flow
- Induce neurite growth
- Increase release of nitric oxide
- Activate muscles
- Enhance sleep
- Reduce muscle tension
- Improve balance
- Enhance mood
- Improve quality of life
- Reduce Parkinson's symptoms
- Reduce dementia symptoms
- Reduce depression
Today's sound therapy solutions include expensive chairs and tables that are not user friendly.
Ripl is the world's first wearable sound therapy system that uses evolutionary headsets to deliver the full spectrum of sound waves directly to the brain.
* References
- Bartel, Lee et al. Possible Mechanisms for the Effects of Sound Vibration on Human Health. Healthcare 2021. 9, 597.
- Bartel, Lee R. et al. Vibroacoustic Stimulation and Brain Oscillation: From Basic Research to Clinical Application. Music and Medicine. Volume 9, Issue 3, 2017.
- Campbell, Elsa A. et al. Exploring the use of Vibroacoustic treatment for managing chronic pain and comorbid mood disorders: A mixed methods study. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. March 2019.
- Zabrecky, George et al. An fMRI Study of the Effects of Vibroacoustic Stimulation on Functional Connectivity in Patients with Insomnia. Sleep Disorders. Volume 2020.
- Cook, Ian A. et al. Ancient Architectural Acoustic Resonance Patterns and Regional Brain Activity. Time and Mind. March 2008.
- Skille, Olav. VibroAcoustic Therapy. Music Therapy. Vol. 8, 1989.
- Boyd-Brewer, Chris. Vibroacoustic Therapy: Sound Vibrations in Medicine. Alternative and Complementary Therapies. 2003.
- Clements-Cortes, Amy et al. Are We Doing More Than We Know? Possible Mechanisms of Response to Music Therapy. Frontiers in Medicine. September 2018.
- Boyd-Brewer, Chris et al. Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy Improves Pain Management and More. Holistic Nursing Practice. May/June 2004.
- Punkanen, Marko, PhD et al. Contemporary Vibroacoustic Therapy: Perspectives on Clinical Practice, Research and Training. Music and Medicine. May 2012.
- Musumeci, Giuseppe. The Use of Vibration as Physical Exercise and Therapy. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2, 2017.
- Cardinale, M et al. Whole body vibration exercise: are vibrations good for you? British Journal of Sports Medicine. April 2005.
- Global Wellness Institute website -
- Terry, Peter C. et al. Physophysical Effects of Music in Sport and Exercise: An Update on Theory, Research and Application. Proceedings of the 2006 Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society.
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